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Reshmy Raphy , Garima Muwal ,Vagmita Parmar


Each and every building has a story to tell and our design proposal, an Airport in North Goa - The Aviary will retell the tales of history and the people of Goa. Expanding the horizon beyond the beaches, we bring you yet another enchanting and unexplored side of Goa. With the very vernacular techniques and materials they weaved magic in their homes, forts, and churches, we add a different dimension to it. This very unconventional airport design will throw light onto a different design approach. One where our passengers and the local community intertwine at their best. Limited infrastructure and no or little machinery, yet our ancestors managed to build climate responsive and durable buildings all with nothing but passed on knowledge and understanding of nature. They developed the skill and techniques over years to create something that blended with the nature causing no harm. Holding back on to the immense knowledge our ancestors left behind, we accept the challenge of bringing vernacular back into the limelight in its full glory.

Extending their knowledge from building homes to building the modern-day functional buildings is not a new thought but how successful have we done it so far. An experience rich, vernacular and highly competitive design. Materials were chosen based on their availability in the proximity, their climate responsiveness and countless years of experiences and passed on knowledge our ancestors have left behind. They always followed a 5-mile radius rule, wherein the materials within the 5-mile radius were adopted to save greatly on transportation costs and enhance local skills and labour. All materials chosen are derived from nature and shall return to earth without disrupting any ecological processes.Using the passive cooling techniques our ancestors developed we render this building void of any artificial cooling accessories.


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