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Sirichai Panyachai



From the past to the present Vernacular architecture is a result of socio-cultural context and life style from each region. Element and architectural language is made of naturally occurring materials.

It reflects that life is strongly correlate and friendly with natural context. Unlike the context of modern society that seem to be disagreeable to people. Architect then tries to generate the idea by using vernacular materials and applying into common area that is often overlooked in order to breathe new life in to the city and to answer these three questions.

1. Vernacularism can have an effect on the same situation by adding into the part of social context and daily life and also into the part of the architectural space and normal space. This will help in changing overlooked context or ordinary into special one.

2. Vernacularism can be used as a stimulus, variable and process instead of being static element. Architect tries to offer that we can use an ordinary material to change the composition of public space that are not being used. For an example; Changing area under the overpass into area with an architectural identity and also increase the level of comfortable to people. The material obtained from the local can help people relax more than concrete and materials from modern architecture.

3. Vernacularism can be used as an architectural language that mean not only architect but also normal people can use this vernacular idea in their work. The architectural or design work is not complicated so people can be easily understanding. Even this vernacular idea seems to be a normal composition or normal idea but the result from this idea can be a special one and can adapted to other areas as appropriate.


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