Architecture defines human’s relationship with the environment. Early dwellings sheltered human from dangers and discomforts and provided a place for tools, livestock, and even intangible entities such as spirits.
Putting human’s needs as the center of architecture is natural. However, amidst the ongoing environmental crisis, we are inevitably urged to reexamine the way we live and build. How can we include other lives in the total ecosystem into the manmade environment? ASA Experimental Design Competition invites all participants to investigate how architecture can embrace the complexities of environmental conditions that includes all livings, not only human.
This experimental one-stage architecture idea competition invites all architects and other disciplines, both professional and students to submit compelling proposals without the constraint of scale, typology, program or site. Participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible. Proposals are open to diverse narratives that encourage rethinking of ways in which we can co-exist with other species, elements, things and beings.
1. General Public: Architects, Designers and General Public
2. Students: Any current full-time student studying in high school until undergraduate levels.
Entries can be submitted as an individual or as a team. A team consisting of a student and a non-student should be submitted under the General Public category. Each team can be composed of up to 4 members and may include multidisciplinary members (Architect, landscape architect, urban designer, interior architect, product designer, artist)
Jury members will simultaneously review, discuss and select proposals during this one-stage competition. They will base their decision on their expertise and values with the evaluation criteria as follows:
Originality and level of experimentation of design proposal
Responsiveness of the proposal to the competition’s objectives
Presentation quality shall not be a part of the evaluation criteria
By submitting a proposal for the competition, each team member agrees and accepts the requirements, rules and conditions as listed in this competition brief, as well as final decision of the jury.
The entry must be an original work, created by the participant (s), which have never been previously published, released or distributed in any form elsewhere; and must never entered into any other competition.
Participants are allowed to submit more than 1 proposal.
Full ownership and copy rights of all submissions in connection to this competition are retained by the author of the work; however, ASA retains the right to publish (Print or online) and promote the submitted material at their own discretion regarding format. All submissions will subsequently become part of the ASA digital or printed archive.
If any participant wishes to publish, exhibit or promote their competition submission, they are granted the right to do so, as long as the title of this ASA competition are properly referenced and credited as the competition organizer.
The participants must not publish, release or distribute any submitted work to the public before the announcement of the competition results.
Entries that have been selected will be exhibited at the ASA 2023Expo.
Deadline for all submissions will be April 1st 2023 at 11:59:59pm local time in Thailand (UTC+07:00). The timestamp on each participant(s) email will be considered their official submission time.
-"Registration code" will be determined by the participant(s) themselves which should contain three uppercase characters, 4 numeric digits and the competition category in English (e.g. ABC1234 General Public)
-"Registration code" must be located on the upper right corner of the board with 20 millimeters height.
Fill in the following information by specifying the "Registration code" through the Google Form in the attached link below.
- The participant's full name(s), address, telephone number, and email address.
- A certified copy of participant(s) identification card or passport
- In the case of submission in the student and undergraduate category, please verify by attaching a certified copy of student card(s).
1st April 2023
Submission Deadline
25th April 2023
Award Announcement
30th April 2023
Award ceremony
Only one (1) -A1 sized panel (84.1 cm X 59.4 cm), Landscape / Horizontal layout
The participant’s name must not appear anywhere on any part of the board.
All text should be written English
Online submission using only file-transferring platform WeTransfer.com as a single file (20MB, 150 DPI)– PDF file only and send to email address: asacompetition2023@gmail.com
AWARDS: General Public
1st Prize
100,000 Baht
2nd Prize
50,000 Baht
3rd Prize
30,000 Baht
AWARDS: Student
1st Prize
50,000 Baht
2nd Prize
30,000 Baht
3rd Prize
20,000 Baht