The ASA International Design Competition this year is dedicated to fresh ideas in sustainability – approaches so radical, unanticipated, and transformative they earn the epithet ‘uncanny’.
‘Uncanny sustainability’ should open a route to the logical next steps in eco-friendly architecture : a built environment that is no longer human-centric but dedicated to the well-being of all living beings. Sustainable architecture has taken great strides in minimizing the consumption of energy and other resources, but great challenges remain and they demand bold responses.
‘Uncanny’ solutions are :
vital to capture the public imagination, igniting passion for reconceiving homes and cities.
essential to shift the paradigm from human- to world-centric thinking for the environment where man is in true harmony with the rest of nature.
critical to find big ideas that accelerate change – accessible, holistic solutions with broad applications.
The challenge is therefore to present ideas that surprise and – like any ‘uncanny’ event – challenge our assumptions and widen our views of what is possible. The judges will reward entries that provide this shock of fresh possibilities, whether by their challenge to conventions, their transformative potential, or their capacity to inspire.
Each submission must include the following contents :
The participant can select any specific site as the context of their design. The subject can be architecture, urban design, interior design or system design.
After identifying the context, provide conceptual drawings, analytical drawings, sections, plans, renderings or perspective drawings in any scale. Demonstrate how the sustainability solution modifies the design approach and the resulting design outcome.
Two (2) A0 Graphic Boards : Portrait Format 841 mm x 1189 mm
High resolution PDF @300 dpi (maximum file size of the combined 2 PDF boards : 20MB)
Recommendation : font size in the graphics should not be less than 12 pt. for printing clarity
File Name : Firstname_Lastname_300.pdf
Project Description in English (maximum 300 words)
File Name : Firstname_Lastname.doc
Files that do not meet the specified requirements will not be taken into consideration. For more details on deliverables and submission process, please refer to the competition website : www.asacompetition.com
First prize : 4,000 USD + Research trip to Japan
Second prize : 2,000 USD
Third prize : 1,000 USD
3 x Honorable Mention : 500 USD
Official announcement of competition : January 30, 2019
Online submission for competition begins : January 30, 2019
Deadline for submissions : April 25, 2019
Announcement of shortlisted entries : April 26, 2019
Finalists judging session : May 3, 2019
Announcement of awarded entries : May 4, 2019
Registration is free.
Register and submit online at www.asacompetition.com.
Open to students, architects, urban planners, designers, artists and thinkers.
Submit as an individual or as a team.
No restrictions on age, gender or nationality.
No limits on the number of submissions.
Work cannot be earlier published elsewhere.
Submission cannot be built work or completed projects.
The entrant should have legal rights and copyrights to all the material submitted. If the project contains any material or elements that are not owned by the entrant, the submission shall be excluded from any consideration. If it is later known that rights have been violated, the prize and award will be recalled.
The copyright of the project belongs to the entrant.
All materials submitted maybe displayed and/or published at the discretion of The Association of Siamese Architects under Royal Patronage.